Technical Documentation
- Selection Teilbaum:
- $ops
- $page
- $zz
- $zz_conf
- $zz_conf INTERNAL
- $zz_conf UPLOAD
- $zz_error
- $zz_page
- $zz_setting
- $zz_sql
- $zz_tab
- $zz_var
- zz_constants
- zz_fieldtypes
- zz_states
- zzbrick
- zzform
- zzwrap
- – all –
ID | Category | Req. | Element | Action |
160 | string: SQL | no | $zz_sql['menu_level2'] expects: page_id, title, (id_title), mother_page_id, url (function_url), menu Relations:; wrap_get_menu_webpages() | Show |
646 | string | no | $zz_sql['menu_table'] Name of table where to get menu entries from; for translation Relations:; $zz_sql['menu'] | Show |
159 | string: SQL | no | $zz_sql['menu'] expects: nav_id, title, main_nav_id, url
optional parameters: id_title, rest is free;
expects: page_id, title, (id_title), mother_page_id, url, menu Relations:; wrap_get_menu_navigation(); wrap_get_menu_webpages() | Show |
548 | string: SQL | yes | $zz_sql['pages'] Relations:; wrap_look_for_page() | Show |
553 | string: SQL | no | $zz_sql['redirects_*'] Relations:; $zz_setting['check_redirects']; wrap_quit() | Show |
550 | string: SQL | no | $zz_sql['redirects'] Relations:; $zz_setting['check_redirects']; wrap_quit() | Show |
607 | array | no | $zz_sql['translation_matrix_brea Relations: | Show |
606 | string | no | $zz_sql['translation_matrix_page Relations: | Show |
490 | array | no | $zz_tab INTERNAL variable, for development only | Show |
491 | array | no | $zz_tab[0] main table | Show |
493 | array | no | $zz_tab[0][0] main table | Show |
708 | array | no | $zz_tab[0][0]['extra'] Generated by function in $field['post_validation'], 'extra' contains extra variables for a detail table created by this function. These variables can be accessed via 'detail_value' Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['detail_value']; $zz['fields'][n]['post_validation'] | Show |
492 | array | no | $zz_tab[tab] subtable, tab = 1...n | Show |
498 | integer | no | $zz_tab[tab]['max_records'] max. subrecords | Show |
499 | integer | no | $zz_tab[tab]['min_records'] min. subrecords | Show |
496 | integer | no | $zz_tab[tab]['no'] Field definition in `$zz['fields'][n]` | Show |
497 | integer | no | $zz_tab[tab]['records'] number of subrecords | Show |
738 | array | no | $zz_tab[tab]['subtable_deleted'] List of deleted records, id_values | Show |
495 | string | no | $zz_tab[tab]['table'] Database table of main or subtable | Show |
700 | array | no | $zz_tab[tab]['upload_fields'][0] | Show |
916 records total