Technical Documentation

IDCategoryReq.Element Action
651arrayno$zz_var['id'] Show
653stringno$zz_var['id']['field_name'] Show
777integerno$zz_var['id']['source_value'] add in combination with source_idShow
652integerno$zz_var['id']['value'] Show
739arrayno$zz_var['integrity'] List with keys 'text' and 'fields'; if there are values, it means that the test for referential integrity were not passed and so deletion of a record is impossibleShow
731booleanno$zz_var['record_action'] Show
733arrayno$zz_var['save_old_record'] Show
666arrayno$zz_var['subtables'] Show
657arrayno$zz_var['unique_fields'] Show
732booleanno$zz_var['upload_form'] false: no upload, true: upload possibleShow
656arrayno$zz_var['where_condition'] Show
655booleanno$zz_var['where_with_unique_id'] Show
509arrayno$zz_var['where'] Show
661arrayno$zz_var['write_once'] Show
654arrayno$zz_var['zz_fields'] Show
131folderyesWEBSERVER_DIRECTORY Directory below DOCUMENT_ROOT, so we can put included files below DOCUMENT_ROOT. Not neccessary, the CMS will also work if all files are inside DOCUMENT_ROOT. This is for easier security only.Show
2folderno_backup/ Folder for backup of files which were deleted or overwritten while performing database operations. Files will not be deleted automatically - a cron job might do this.

Relations: $zz_conf['backup']

20foldernodelete/ Deleted files during SQL delete operation. Folder will be created automatically. Old filename and timestamp of operation will be preserved.

Relations: $zz_conf['backup']

21foldernoupdate/ Overwritten files during SQL update operation. Folder will be created automatically. Old filename and timestamp of operation will be preserved.

Relations: $zz_conf['backup']

3folderyes_inc/ Holds all scripts for the CMS which need to be included. Folder might be put below DOCUMENT_ROOT, chmod set to 700.Show

916 records total
