Technical Documentation
- Selection Teilbaum:
- $ops
- $page
- $zz
- $zz_conf
- $zz_conf INTERNAL
- $zz_conf UPLOAD
- $zz_error
- $zz_page
- $zz_setting
- $zz_sql
- $zz_tab
- $zz_var
- zz_constants
- zz_fieldtypes
- zz_states
- zzbrick
- zzform
- zzwrap
- – all –
ID | Category | Req. | Element | Action |
378 | value | no | foreign_key Field is foreign_key (only possible for subtables), must be set once for each subtable (unless it's a translation subtable) Relations: subtable | Show |
853 | value | no | geo_point SQL POINT field with latitude and longitude as binary Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['geo_format']; $zz['fields'][n]['text_field']; $zz['fields'][n]['list_concat_fields'] | Show |
389 | value | no | hidden hidden field Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['value']; $zz['fields'][n]['function'] | Show |
370 | value | yes | id unique ID field of record Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['show_id'] | Show |
368 | value | no | identifier textual identifier for a record, unique, will be put together from 'fields' Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['conf_identifier']; $zz['fields'][n]['fields'] | Show |
393 | value | no | image displays an image Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['path']; $zz['fields'][n]['default_image'] | Show |
908 | value | no | ip Stores IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in a VARBINARY(16) field | Show |
382 | value | no | ipv4 | Show |
905 | value | no | list_function display field; list_function will be called for display with parameters $field, $value and $line | Show |
385 | value | no | mail email address, will be checked for validity and hyperlinked in list | Show |
715 | value | no | mail+name Validates input of e. g. "Master X" <> and allows input of multiple e-mail addresses, separated by comma or semicolon Relations: mail | Show |
372 | value | no | memo Will show textarea (multiple lines) Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['format']; $zz['fields'][n]['rows']; $zz['fields'][n]['cols']; $zz['fields'][n]['rows_max']; $zz['fields'][n]['list_format'] | Show |
367 | value | no | number Number, will be checked for validity. Basic calculation is allowed, e. g. `4+5` will save `9` into the database (+, -, \, *). Decimal commas are replaced (if unambiguous) with dots
Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['number_type']; $zz['fields'][n]['unit']; $zz['fields'][n]['factor']; $zz['fields'][n]['auto_value'] | Show |
381 | value | no | option field to choose an option, won't be saved to database Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['type_detail']; $zz['fields'][n]['options'] | Show |
390 | value | no | password password input, will be saved as hash Relations: $zz_conf['hash_password'] | Show |
391 | value | no | password_change change a password (enter old, enter new twice, md5 encoded) Relations: password; $zz['fields'][n]['sql_password_check'] | Show |
377 | value | no | predefined INTERNAL USE only Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['type_detail'] | Show |
369 | value | no | select Lets user select a value from different data sources: foreign database table, ENUM or SET values. Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['sql']; $zz['fields'][n]['display_field']; $zz['fields'][n]['show_values_as_list']; $zz['fields'][n]['set']; $zz['fields'][n]['enum']; $zz['fields'][n]['sql_where']; $zz['fields'][n]['sql_without_id']; $zz['fields'][n]['sql_ignore']; $zz['fields'][n]['show_hierarchy_subtree']; $zz['fields'][n]['show_hierarchy']; $zz['fields'][n]['key_field_name']; $zz['fields'][n]['show_hierarchy_use_top_value_instead_NULL']; $zz['fields'][n]['add_details']; $zz['fields'][n]['path_sql']; $zz['fields'][n]['hide_novalue']; $zz['fields'][n]['size_select_too_long'] | Show |
376 | value | no | subtable subrecord with foreign key which can be edited together with main record.
when linking tables (subtables, details), special care has to be taken that the key field names are alike
Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['table_name']; $zz['fields'][n]['form_display']; $zz['fields'][n]['class_add']; $zz['fields'][n]['records_depend_on_upload']; foreign_key; $zz['fields'][n]['foreign_key_field_name'] | Show |
366 | value | no | text standard input, one line text field, maxlength from VARCHAR-value if applicable, else size=32 Relations: $zz['fields'][n]['format']; $zz['fields'][n]['subselect']['list_format']; $zz['fields'][n]['size'] | Show |
916 records total