Technical Documentation

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ID 239
Category string: HTML
Required no
Element $zz_conf['footer_text']

Textblock at the end of div id zzform

Description de
Default value
Mother ID $zz_conf | [5]
Updated 02 Jul 2011 18:23:06
IDCategoryReq.Element Action
131folderyesWEBSERVER_DIRECTORY Directory below DOCUMENT_ROOT, so we can put included files below DOCUMENT_ROOT. Not neccessary, the CMS will also work if all files are inside DOCUMENT_ROOT. This is for easier security only.Show
2folderno_backup/ Folder for backup of files which were deleted or overwritten while performing database operations. Files will not be deleted automatically - a cron job might do this.

Relations: $zz_conf['backup']

20foldernodelete/ Deleted files during SQL delete operation. Folder will be created automatically. Old filename and timestamp of operation will be preserved.

Relations: $zz_conf['backup']

21foldernoupdate/ Overwritten files during SQL update operation. Folder will be created automatically. Old filename and timestamp of operation will be preserved.

Relations: $zz_conf['backup']

3folderyes_inc/ Holds all scripts for the CMS which need to be included. Folder might be put below DOCUMENT_ROOT, chmod set to 700.Show Main configuration fileShow
169foldernocustom/ Customized dataShow
135foldernozzbrick_forms/ zzform scripts with parameter go here

Relations: zzform; zzbrick

338foldernozzbrick_page/ scripts for page template

Relations: zzbrick

339fileno[page].inc.php page_*()-functions, will return $text for $parameterShow
836foldernozzbrick_request_get/ Show
22folderyeszzbrick_request/ Modules which will be included by the CMS depending on request with zzbrick.

Relations: zzbrick

73fileno[request].inc.php Local CMS data, read out data and output $page-arrayShow

Relations: zzbrick

65folderyeszzbrick_tables/ Scripts for table definitions, show, add, edit or delete records

Relations: zzform; zzbrick

66filenologging.php Table definition: logging of database operationsShow
67filenorelations.php Table definition: relations table for relational integrity of databaseShow
29foldernozzform/ Additional scripts that will be called during database operations. Additional translated text for the corresponding website only.

Relations: zzform

Show Database connection to be used, if this file does not exist, established connection will be used.Show Script to be executed after succesful UPDATE query. 'tablename' can be chosen freely, does not have to correspond with real tablename. Other keywords are after/before (means after or before query), update/insert/delete for each SQL operations as required.Show

96 records total
