Technical Documentation

Show a record

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ID 670
Category array
Required no
Element $ops['record_old']

In some cases, old record will be queried, it can be found here. It does not have exactly the same fields as record_new but a few more, depending on SQL query for this record. The old record won't be saved in case $zz_conf['get_old_record'] is false or there's no upload field or no write_once field.

Description de

Manchmal wird der alte Datensatz abgefragt, dann kann hier auf ihn zugegriffen werden. Da diese Daten auf der SQL-Abfrage für den Datensatz beruhen, können ein paar zusätzliche Felder gegenüber record_new in diesem Array stehen. Der alte Datensatz wird hier nicht gespeichert, falls $zz_conf['get_old_record'] false ist, es kein Hochladefeld gibt oder kein write-once-Feld.

    [0] => Array
            [documentation_id] => 670
            [type] => variable
            [required] => no
            [element] => $zz['record_old']
            [description] => In some cases, old record ...
            [description_de] => Manchmal wird der ...
            [todo] => 
            [example] => 
            [default_value] => 
            [mother_documentation_id] => 6
            [author_login_id] => 1
            [projects] => 
            [last_update] => 2010-07-05 11:11:38

    [1] => Array
            [dd_id] => 530
            [related_documentation_id] => 669
            [author_login_id] => 1
            [last_update] => 2010-07-05 11:11:38

Default value
Mother ID $ops | [735]
Updated 26 Jun 2011 23:41:37
IDCategoryReq.Element Action
480containernozz_states Show
481valuenoACTION Modification of a record (`INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE`)Show
482valuenoFORM HTML form output of a single recordShow
486valuenoGLOBAL Globally usedShow
483valuenoLIST HTML list output (`table`, `ul`) of all recordsShow
484valuenoOUTPUT HTML page outputShow

6 records total